
Hi there. I’m Bill Adler and welcome back to another one of our frequently asked questions. This question is about how a person pays for surgery after a car, truck or motorcycle accident. This is a frequent question we get and there’s a lot of clients who ask it. So here’s the answer.

After a car wreck, a lot of injured people are looking at serious medical care, with serious bills to match. If the crash was someone else’s fault, Texas law says that person should pay the bill. Usually, that’s taken care of by their auto insurance. In some cases, the victim’s own uninsured motorist coverage or collision or medpay insurance may cover surgeries.

But getting insurance to pay takes time. The insurance company has to investigate the accident, agree about whose fault it was, and release enough money to cover all costs. There’s no guarantee that they will agree about fault or provide enough money to fully compensate you. Sometimes, insurance companies deny legitimate claims or throw up roadblocks. That forces more negotiation, or sometimes, a lawsuit demanding adequate payment. In that case, you can secure the money you need to pay for surgeries when the lawsuit settles or the jury decides for you.

But victims of serious injuries need health care right away. That’s why most victims start by using their own health insurance. Usually, your insurance will bill as normal for whatever health care you receive. Later on, when you have received all the money you’re entitled to from auto insurance, the health insurance company will bill you for the costs that auto insurance should have paid to begin with. This is called subrogation, and if you have a lawyer, they should handle it for you. If not, you will have to pay it yourself.

But what if you don’t have health insurance, or your health insurance company refuses to cover bills that will ultimately be paid by auto insurance? In those cases, you’ll need to work with the medical providers to set up a payment method that works for everyone. Again, if you’re working with an attorney, they should handle it for you. Hospitals will often work with patients to provide discounts or set up a payment plan. In addition, some medical providers will work in exchange for a legal document called a medical lien, which gives them a right to collect their fees from the legal judgment you ultimately receive.

If you were seriously injured through no fault of your own, the last thing you need to worry about is money on top of that. Jim Adler & Associates can help you. For a free consultation, contact us today through jimadler.com or at 1-800-567-7575.