According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Paraquat is a highly toxic chemical that is widely used as an herbicide, primarily for weed and grass control.
What is a Mass Tort?
In a mass tort, a lot of people sue a drug or device company on their own. But the court groups those lawsuits together and puts them in front of just one judge, who handles things as if all of these cases were one case.
Truck Accident Risks During the Holidays
Accidents with large trucks can be deadly. They’re so big that when they crash into ordinary vehicles, they can do serious damage. That risk is real at any time of year, but statistics show that it goes up during the winter holidays.
Multiple Vehicle Accidents | Houston Car & Truck Accident Lawyers
Sorting out fault in a two-vehicle accident can be controversial, especially if the drivers disagree about the details. Sorting out fault in an accident with many vehicles can be even more difficult.
3rd Party Work Injury Claims | Houston Work Injury Lawyer
If you’re injured on the job in Texas, you might be able to make a workers’ compensation claim through your employer. But sometimes, the injury was caused by another company—a third party. That might happen if you’re working at a place where many companies are contributing, like a construction site, on a third party’s property, or with a defective tool.
Injuries After a Wreck | Houston Car Accident Lawyer
If you notice injuries after a crash, you should go see a doctor. That’s not just for treatment, it’s also because the doctor can create a medical record to prove your injuries if you do decide to sue.
18-Wheeler Dangers | Houston Tractor-Trailer Accident Lawyer
If you’re dealing with the aftermath of an 18-wheeler crash that was not your fault, Jim Adler & Associates can help. For a free, confidential consultation, call us at 1-800-567-7575 or contact us through our website,
Injured at Work and No Insurance | Houston Injury Lawyer | Jim Adler & Associates
Workplace injuries can be very serious. Slips and falls, contact with machinery, car accidents and other injuries can keep you out of work for weeks and potentially change your life. If you don’t have health insurance, you could be on the hook for costs that can reach six figures. And when you’re out of work, it can be tough to eat and pay the rent, never mind paying medical costs.
Catastrophic Injuries | Houston Catastrophic Injury Lawyer
Imagine an injury so serious that it forces dramatic changes in your life. You might not be able to work anymore, and you might even need help with things like getting dressed in the morning. You may not be able to be the same kind of parent or spouse you used to be, and you might have to give up activities you used to enjoy. That’s what the law calls a catastrophic injury—an injury that prevents the victim from living the same life they did before.
Does Insurance Cover Catastrophic Injuries? | Jim Adler & Associates
You have rights, and our lawyers make sure those rights are respected. If you’re overwhelmed by bills after a catastrophic injury, or the insurance company refuses to help, contact us for a free consultation. You can find us at or 1-800-567-7575.