Road Construction Accident

There are many common causes of road construction accidents where a motorist could be seriously injured or wrongfully killed. Most of these common causes involve the pure negligence of a construction worker or company.


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Firefighter Occupational Cancer

While September 11th may have highlighted the cancer rates of first responders, national statistics have focused explicitly on firefighters who have an elevated cancer rate. Some statistics even reveal that cancer caused 70% of line-of-duty deaths for career firefighters in the United States.


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Rideshare Accidents

Texas has specific requirements for rideshare drivers. First, they must have a Texas driver’s license, and second, they must carry more than the minimum amount of bodily injury liability coverage to be hired by a ride share company.


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Solo Car Crash

In some instances, you can make an injury claim even when you are in a car crash by yourself. Although there is no other driver to take responsibility for your injuries; there may be other factors that come into play.


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