The first phase of a case is developing the record. This process often begins by interviewing you to get your side of the story. Your attorney will also request official copies of the police report and your medical records.
Car Accidents and PTSD
It is important to know that everyone’s body reacts differently when a traumatic event occurs. For some people, the symptoms of PTSD show up soon after they experience trauma, for others, it may take months or years before they notice any change in their lives.
Car Crash Physics
Although advancements in motor vehicles have improved safety and undoubtedly prevented many injuries and deaths, our Texas car accident lawyers know that technology cannot get around the basic laws of physics.
Car Technology, Distractions and Accidents
Car technology has evolved from just a simple dashboard with an ignition key and gearshift to a multimedia system that is equipped with Bluetooth capabilities for wireless phone calls, HD radio reception, GPS systems for maps and directions as well as video screens that show what’s behind you while backing up. However, these innovations may not be the best option for everyone.
Common Car Accident Injuries
Car accidents are unfortunately an all too common occurrence in our nation, and they impact families all over every day – in big and small ways. One of the most impactful, and oftentimes the most long-lasting consequences of these accidents is the injuries they leave on the body.
Distracted Driving Accidents
Unfortunately, in today’s world, distracted driving tends to be the norm rather than the exception. And it only takes a second for a driver to not be paying full attention for something horrible and unintended to happen.
Do I Have a Case if I Wasn’t Injured in a Car Accident?
Today we’re going to discuss car accidents where injuries are not immediately apparent but often show up later.
Do I Need A Lawyer for my Car Accident if I am at Fault?
If you share fault for a wreck, that does not necessarily mean the end of your case under Texas law. In fact, in the state of Texas, you can be partially at fault for an accident and still recover some compensation, under what is called a comparative fault system.
Drunk Driving Accidents | Houston Texas | Jim Adler & Associates
Drunk driving accidents are some of the worst accidents that we see – because they’re both entirely preventable and they can have devastating consequences for everybody involved. So with that said, let’s take a look at some ways you can protect yourself, and your family from drunk driving accidents and the injuries they cause.
Economic vs Non-Economic Damages in a Personal Injury Case
The law also allows you to recover non-economic damages for an accident. You likely suffered physical pain and mental anguish because of your injuries, and you are entitled to money to make up for that suffering. You can also get money for physical disfigurement you’ve suffered, like scars and burns, and for physical impairment, such as the loss of your ability to perform certain activities. Certain close family members like spouses can even recover money for their personal emotional suffering when a loved one is injured.
Family: How Our Family Values Can Help Your Family After An Accident
We are some of the fiercest courtroom advocates out there, and we will zealously represent all victims who are seriously hurt in catastrophic accidents throughout Texas. However, our hardworking team is unique not just because of our legal prowess and tenacity but because of our family values that can help your family after an accident.
Fort Worth Pile Up | Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyer | Jim Adler & Associates
The devastating accident, that happened in Fort Worth, Texas, resulted in multiple fatalities and countless injuries. Our hearts go out to all the victims and their families. If you or a loved one was hurt or killed in this accident, call Jim Adler and Associates today. Let us help you get the compensation you deserve! Call us at 214/817–320-1111
Hazardous Driving Conditions
Hazardous driving conditions can make even the safest of roads dangerous and deadly. Although Texas has some of the best-designed and safest roadways in the United States, our Texas car accident lawyers know that this does not mean we are immune to hazardous driving conditions.
Hidden Injuries to Watch out for After an Accident
While many injuries from a motor vehicle accident may be common, such as broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and amputations, some hidden injuries can still be equally debilitating and permanent.
Hit-and-Run Accidents
While all motor vehicle accidents are an inconvenience that can be frustrating and confusing for a victim, when that crash is a hit-and-run accident, it can be particularly aggravating and overwhelming—particularly if a victim has been seriously injured.
How Do I Find The Best Lawyer To Handle My Car Accident?
If you have been seriously injured in a car accident or a loved one was seriously injured or wrongfully killed, you need to find the best car accident lawyer to represent you and your family.
How Do Insurance Companies Make Money?
As many people have found out when they filed a claim, the insurance company will often exploit any loopholes and employ less than honorable tactics that ultimately will lessen the amount of money that they have to pay out.
How Much Does it Usually Cost to Retain a Car Accident Lawyer?
In this video we discuss the fees associated with hiring a personal injury lawyer to handle your car wreck.
How to Avoid Blind Spots That Put You At Risk
Blind spots are the area outside of your field of vision when driving. They are to the left or right side of your vehicle and slightly to the back.
How to Choose a Personal Injury Attorney
If you or a family member needs to hire a personal injury lawyer, there are three important things you should look for when doing your research: experience, resources, and tactics.
How To File An Auto Insurance Claim
The first step you need to take after a car accident is to report the accident to the police. If other cars were involved in the accident, gather insurance and contact information from all drivers and passengers. It’s a good idea to reach out to witnesses who were at the scene of the accident to get their information as well.
How Truck Accidents are Different than Car Accidents | Houston Accident Lawyer
A crash between a car and a large truck isn’t like a crash with another car. A truck can weigh more than 20 times what a sedan weighs, and in an accident, all that extra weight turns into extra force. The truck can do far more damage to a car than another car could, which means the car sustains far more damage, and the people inside can be very seriously injured.
Injuries After a Wreck | Houston Car Accident Lawyer
If you notice injuries after a crash, you should go see a doctor. That’s not just for treatment, it’s also because the doctor can create a medical record to prove your injuries if you do decide to sue.
Multiple Vehicle Accidents | Houston Car & Truck Accident Lawyers
Sorting out fault in a two-vehicle accident can be controversial, especially if the drivers disagree about the details. Sorting out fault in an accident with many vehicles can be even more difficult.
Paying for Surgery After an Accident | Jim Adler & Associates
After a car wreck, a lot of injured people are looking at serious medical care, with serious bills to match. If the crash was someone else’s fault, Texas law says that person should pay the bill. Usually, that’s taken care of by their auto insurance. But getting insurance to pay takes time.
Property Damage
When we discuss property damage, the first determination that needs to be made is whether the vehicle is a total loss or not. That’s because the valuation process is a little bit different if your car is damaged but repairable versus if your vehicle is a total loss.
Rear End Collisions
In a rear-end collision, the front of one vehicle strikes the back of another. Although this kind of crash is the most common, it is also one of the easiest to survive.
Rideshare Accidents
Texas has specific requirements for rideshare drivers. First, they must have a Texas driver’s license, and second, they must carry more than the minimum amount of bodily injury liability coverage to be hired by a ride share company.
Road Construction Accident
There are many common causes of road construction accidents where a motorist could be seriously injured or wrongfully killed. Most of these common causes involve the pure negligence of a construction worker or company.
Safety Tips for Driving in Bad Weather in Texas
One of the most common causes of motor vehicle accidents is inclement weather. Although it may appear that motor vehicle accidents during inclement weather are not either driver’s fault— an act of God—that is not always the case.
Should I Accept an Accident Settlement Offered by the At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Company?
If you have been injured in an accident and suffered personal injuries, unexpected medical bills, and lost wages due to the accident, your disability, or doctor appointments, Texas law may allow you to recover compensation.
Should I Get a Lawyer for a Minor Car Accident?
After a serious car accident causing personal injuries, high medical bills, and lost wages, most people realize that they will likely need a lawyer to help them handle their claim. However, most people are unsure if they should get a lawyer for a minor car accident—especially if the insurance company is already offering money to settle and “move on.”
Should I Settle a Car Accident Claim Without a Lawyer?
One of the most important considerations after a car accident is whether you should get a lawyer to help you settle your claim. This is particularly true if you or a loved one suffered personal injuries or other losses from the car crash, such as lost wages, medical bills, or property damage.
Solo Car Crash
In some instances, you can make an injury claim even when you are in a car crash by yourself. Although there is no other driver to take responsibility for your injuries; there may be other factors that come into play.
Steps to Take After An Auto Accident
After a car accident, first you want to make sure everybody in your vehicle is safe and okay. After you determined that everybody is safe and okay, next you want to call 911 and request that a police officer come to the scene, and if you’re injured, also request that an ambulance come.
T-Bone Collisions
In a broadside, or T-bone, collision, one car runs into the side of another car. That means one of those drivers was probably in the intersection when they weren’t supposed to be.
Texas Car Wrecks and Insurance
If you or a loved one is injured in a car wreck, the primary concern is for your health and safety. But there is another concern that sadly, tends to get far too little attention. Our financial safety. Are we fully protected financially in the event of a catastrophic motor vehicle accident that is not our fault?
Things That Can Ruin Your Personal Injury Case
This video will provide viewers with 7 things that can ruin your personal injury case especially as it relates to motor vehicle accidents.
What Are Some Injuries To Look Out For If I’ve Been In A Car Accident?
In this video we discuss some of the injuries that can occur as a result of a car accident but don’t always show up right away.
What Exactly Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?
Generally, a car accident lawyer will handle nearly every facet of your car accident claim. This includes any aspect of your life that the crash has impacted, your injuries, or any financial repercussions from the motor vehicle accident.
What Happens if I Hurt Someone in a Car Accident, do I still have a Case?
In today’s video we’ll talk about “fault” in a car accident and introduce you to a very important concept of comparative fault and how that can affect your case.
What Not To Say To The Insurance Company After An Accident
It is crucial to be aware of some of the most important things not to say to the insurance company right after an accident. Even minor comments can have a significant effect on both liability and damages.
When is the Best Time to Get a Lawyer for my Car Accident?
It can be overwhelming after a car accident, especially if you have suffered serious personal injuries and lost time from work. For some victims, the last thing on their minds is hiring a lawyer—they are just trying to survive and move forward. But often, this is the best time to get a Texas car accident lawyer —especially if the insurance carrier has already called you and offered you money.
When to Hire a Lawyer
If you or a loved one has been hurt in a car or truck accident, you’ll want to consult a lawyer as soon as possible after the crash, for several reasons.
Why Should I Hire An Attorney After My Car Accident?
If you or a loved one have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you may be tempted to try and handle your claim without a lawyer. You could, but you would almost be guaranteed to get less compensation than if you had an experienced Texas car accident lawyer helping you.