
Hello friends, I’m Jim Adler, the Texas Hammer. Thanks for tuning in for another one of our frequently asked questions. In this video, we will discuss the risks and liability associated with motorcycle accidents that occur with a commercial vehicle. It’s a very tough topic because the injuries are typically so horrific.

Motorcycles offer some of the most thrilling driving experiences out of any other motor vehicle. Unfortunately, they are also some of the most dangerous motor vehicles on the roadways.

According to statistics, motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to die in a collision than passengers of other vehicles. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that over 5,000 motorcyclists die each year in the United States.  Motorcycle crashes and fatalities are a huge issue in Texas, with approximately 500 fatalities each year accounting for about 12% of all motorcycle fatalities nationally. Many of these motorcycle accidents involve commercial vehicles such as trucks, buses, delivery vans, and other larger vehicles.

At Jim Adler & Associates, we know that motorcyclists face significant dangers on the roads when other motorists fail to exercise reasonable care around them. This is particularly true of large commercial truck drivers, bus drivers, and other big rig operators.

Motorcyclists also have a greater risk of serious injury or wrongful death than other motorists for several reasons. This includes the inherent nature of a motorcycle being smaller and harder to see, harder to gauge the speed, and harder to discover in a blind spot.

In addition, motorcyclists are more likely to be seriously injured or wrongfully killed because they lack the same safety equipment and protections that other motorists have. This includes the fact that motorcyclists do not have airbags, side curtains, seatbelts, or even the steel shell around them to protect them from an impact.

Many risks can increase the chance of a serious collision in a motorcycle accident. Generally, commercial vehicles greatly increase this risk of serious injury or harm for cyclists. There are many reasons for this, including the following:

– Motorcycles are hard to see, and commercial trucks have larger blind spots
– Commercial trucks take longer to stop, and gauging the distance of a motorcycle is harder
– Commercial trucks need more space to turn, and motorcycles are harder to see and gauge whether a truck could make a safe turn
– Motorcycles are lighter and can be influenced by the wind off of a truck
– Debris or unsecured cargo off a truck could directly hit a rider or cause a motorcyclist to crash
– Commercial vehicles need more space to merge into a new lane, and motorcycles are harder to gauge their speed and distance
– Commercial vehicles sometimes force their way and want other vehicles to yield, aggressively pushing other motorists off the roads.

Motorcycle riders injured in a commercial vehicle crash need more than just a motor vehicle accident lawyer. Commercial vehicles often have special rules to follow through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), which has a complex matrix of rules and regulations that could be used to help prove a claim. You need a skilled lawyer who knows how to use these regulations as a sword against a defendant.

Our experienced motorcycle accident lawyers have a proven track record of success against commercial vehicle owners and operators, including trucking companies, bus companies, public entities, and other businesses or corporations. If you or a loved one were catastrophically injured in a motorcycle accident with a commercial vehicle, we may be able to help you recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, loss of consortium, and your conscious pain and suffering.

Learn how we can help you by calling us at 1-800-567-7575 or by clicking on our “Free Case Review” at jimadler.com. Our law firm is committed to standing up for the rights of motorcyclists and others injured in the negligent accidents of another person, business, or government entity in Texas. Thank you for tuning in.