Car Crash Physics

Although advancements in motor vehicles have improved safety and undoubtedly prevented many injuries and deaths, our Texas car accident lawyers know that technology cannot get around the basic laws of physics.


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Why do Oil Rigs Explode?

Working in the oil and gas industry is particularly dangerous, especially for oil rig workers. This profession has many inherent dangers that could result in severe or fatal injuries, especially when an oil rig explodes or catches fire.


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What to do if You’ve Been Injured in an Oil Rig Accident

Oil and gas are big business in Texas. We are the largest provider of oil in the United States and pride ourselves in doing our part to help our country rely less on foreign oil. While many Texas businesses and corporations do a great job fulfilling their need and keeping their oil rig workers safe, unfortunately, some choose to cut corners and put profits above worker safety. As a result, far too many innocent oil and gas workers could be seriously injured or wrongfully killed in oil rig accidents. Learn more in this video.


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